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Rue François Bonivard,
106th Floor1201
Geneva, Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 510.25.00
Facsimile: +41 22 510.25.01

Swiss Financiers

Swiss Financiers

Swiss Financiers is particularly designed to support entrepreneur-driven companies. Our unique market position as a dealmaker is at the crossroads of advisory, debt and investment banking, without competing with them. Swiss Financiers orchestrates Companies’ requirements for capital through Initial Public Offering (IPO), by financing and managing the listing process on security stock markets. The cost … Read more

Deschenaux & Partners

Deschenaux and Partners

We are international financial jurists because we believe going into litigation is already a failure. We do not believe in solutions arising from the courts of law. Our legal team is entrepreneurial and tends to avoid litigation as much as possible. We firmly believe that making money on the misery and strife of others is … Read more

Challenges of IP Protection

What is Intellectual Property? In some ways, intellectual property is a bundle of different types of rights, all of which are intended to protect one another. An example of this would be Patent Laws. Patents are given to people who come up with new ideas, which then become protected as private property rights. A patent … Read more

What is IP Securization

Intellectual Property Securization: What Is It and How Does It Work? One of the newest financial tools to be introduced to the private market is Intellectual Property Securization. What does this mean for you? An important part of the process of managing Intellectual Property, particularly the private assets held by a business firm, is the … Read more

IP Securities

Direct IP security: By investing in IP rights, investors become legitimate to have a percent relative to the IP assets concerned. An investment on a patent for example, will grant a part of this patent, proportional to the value of the investment. The investor becomes the owner of a part of the patent. IPSE will … Read more

Aston Messiqa


Background in Business Entertainment and Film production & development.

Mentored by former president of Universal Pictures, Aston has been hands on in T.V, film production & development. Working alongside a U.S entertainment company to produce/distribute a slate of movies for a global audience.

In 2018 Aston developed entertainment initiatives in the Middle East and act as a bridge to Hollywood. Co-founder of a Saudi based entertainment company.


Larry Namer

Larry Namer


Founder of E! Entertainment TV and several other TV networks . President of Metan Global. A pioneer in media for the past 50 years.. Metan is an entertainment and technology company…