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Movie Project Market Sector

IPSE - Movie Market Sector

Welcome to the IPSE Movie Project Market Sector for Intellectual Property Securities. These securities are a unique type of financial instrument called “Intellectual Property Securities (IPS).” They are neither shares, bonds, nor crypto tokens, but a new class of securities issued through an “Initial Intellectual Property Rights Offering (IIPRO) detailed in

This market sector is specifically designed to finance new movies using these “Intellectual Property Securities (IPS),” issued through the “Initial Intellectual Property Rights Offering (IIPRO).”

Let’s now examine each of the columns that make up this market sector:

1. Movie Name: The first column contains the name of the movie in English. Movie titles can change significantly when translated into other languages.

2. Release Date/Year: The second column shows the release date or year. If the movie was released last year or earlier, it displays the release year. Otherwise, it indicates the two-digit month and year of the current year.

3. Symbol: The third column provides the movie’s symbol. In cases where two or more movies share the same name, which is common, the last two digits of the symbol represent the release date.

4. Author/s: The fourth column lists the author(s) of the screenplay. It does not include the author(s) of any book that may have inspired the screenplay.

5. Main Cast (Cast): The fifth column lists the main cast of the movie, abbreviated as “Cast.”

6. Director/s (Dir): The sixth column lists the director(s) of the movie, abbreviated as “Dir.”

7. Producer(s) (Prod): The seventh column lists the main producer(s) of the movie, abbreviated as “Prod.”

8. Budget (Bud): The eighth column indicates the movie’s budget, abbreviated as “Bud.”

9. IIPRO Price (IIPRO.$): The ninth column shows the price of the IPS on the day of the Initial Intellectual Property Rights Offering (IIPRO), abbreviated as “IIPRO.$

10. IPS Type (IPS.T): The tenth column indicates the type of IPS, which could be Ownership, Licensing, or Royalties only, abbreviated as “IPS.T.”

11. Total IPS Issued (IPS.M): The eleventh column states the total number of IPS issued, expressed in millions and abbreviated as “IPS.M.”

12. Ask Price (Ask): The twelfth column lists the price currently being asked by the offer, abbreviated as “Ask.”

13. Last Price (Last): The thirteenth column provides the last price recorded, abbreviated as “Last.”

14. Bid Price (Bid): The fourteenth column lists the price currently being bid by the demand, abbreviated as “Bid.”

15. Ask Volume (Ask.V): The fifteenth column measures the volume of the offer, abbreviated as “Ask.V.”

16. Last Price Volume (Last.V): The sixteenth column states the volume associated with the last price recorded, in thousands, abbreviated as “Last.V.”

17. Bid Volume (Bid.V): The seventeenth column measures the volume of the demand, in thousands, abbreviated as “Bid.V.”

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